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  1. ahhh it's my own fault, I was tweening something that's out of scope. sorry... and thanks again.
  2. I'm trying to tween border-bottom-color in css, I assume it's camel casing like this borderBottomColor TweenLite.to(this.sprite, 0, {css:{borderBottomColor:'#91f4c2'}}); but this doesn't seem to work, or maybe I'm using the wrong name? Thanks.
  3. that solves it! thanks for the help.
  4. I zipped up all the necessary files here. https://www.dropbox.com/s/va4k5pyk2rnd9dj/testhtml.zip
  5. maybe this has something to do with my css? #img1 { left: 100%; } #img2 { left: 200%; } #img3 { left: 300%; } #img4 { left: 400%; }
  6. I switched to gs and and the first scroll works perfectly, but then the scroll after that stopped working. I have four divs with images in them and they're wrapped in another div <div id="project1"> <div id="img1"><img id="test1" class="img-container"></div> <div id="img2"><img id="test2" class="img-container"></div> <div id="img3"><img id="test3" class="img-container"></div> <div id="img4"><img id="test4" class="img-container"></div> </div> So basically I want to scroll to each image one by one when user clicks on the next button. and this works fine TweenLite.to($('#project1'), .5, {scrollTo:{x:$('#img1').position().left}, ease:Expo.easeOut}); however after this, when I tried to do the same thing and scrollto #img2, instead of seeing #img2, #img1 scroll in again TweenLite.to($('#project1'), .5, {scrollTo:{x:$('#img' + imgContainer.current_image).position().left}, ease:Expo.easeOut}) and then somehow the image would all disappear... I tried to change to scroll to a number instead but it still doesn't work. I saw carl's demo http://snorkl.tv/dev/js_demo1/scrollToDemo.html so I'm thinking does this have something to do with the fact im using a div instead of window? thanks!
  7. i see what you're getting! thanks so much!
  8. Hi! I'm wondering is it possible to use greensock easing on this plugin http://flesler.blogspot.com/2007/10/jqueryscrollto.html I know gs has scrollto as well, but this plugin can scroll to a specific div. But I'm using gs easing already, so I really don't want to add another easing library, is there a way to call gs easing function? Thanks! here's how to use that plugin $container.scrollTo('#img1', 500, { easing:'swing' });
  9. Thanks for the help! The first one is because I changed the function name before I compressed it, haha sorry about that. The reason I set the time to 0 is because I want it to happen right away? Then I guess I'm not really tweening anyways, should just use colortransform. Thanks again
  10. yeah I'm using the latest version, and I tried to set overwrite to none, still doesnt work. I've attached the files, using Tweener just for that line now, and I commented out TweenMax. Thanks.
  11. Hi, I tried to use onUpdate and onComplete in the same tween and I realized that onComplete function is not being called in this case, maybe it has been overwritten? If I try to do the same thing with Tweener it works, just not with TweenMax... TweenMax.to($block, .2, { onUpdate:changeColor, onUpdateParams:[$block], onComplete:changeComplete, onCompleteParams:[$block]} ); Tweener.addTween($block, {time:.2, onUpdate:changeColor, onUpdateParams:[$block], onComplete:changeComplete, onCompleteParams:[$block]}); Anyone ran into this problem before? Cheers, Christine
  12. Hi, I know I can listen to see if the individual loader inside loadermax's complete or not, but I'm wondering if there's a variable that I can use to see if the loader's complete? like loader.isComplete = true. or I just have to set a variable myself. Thanks. Cheers,
  13. thanks, it didnt happen to my other mc, so i think i'll just double check.
  14. Hi, I have this animated movieclip in Flash, I exported it and want to use TimelineMax to control it. so this is what I did var _timeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); _timeline.append(new TweenMax(_mc, 3.2, {frame:82, startAt:{frame:1}, ease:Linear.easeNone})); _timeline.pause(); the weird thing is that it doesn't play from frame 1 for some reason, it always starts around frame 25 (maybe this has something to do with the frame rate which is 25). even _timeline.gotoAndPlay(1) cant make it play from frame 1.... also, I tried to use useFrames:true in TweenMax when I append the MC, and it doesn't work... how to use frames for timeline? thanks. cheers.
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