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  1. Dear Greensock Community, my task is simple and clear: I want to rotate a svg group <g id="rotationFrame>. I have written the following TweenMax to achieve this: TweenMax.to("#rotationFrame", .5, { rotation:rotationDeg, transformOrigin:"50% 50%" }); This does work quite good using safari. But as soon as I switch to Chrome the code does some crazy stuff: Demo: https://vid.me/9EJU How can I solve this? To me it seems like Greensock is creating some wired css code, like transform-origin: 0px 0px 0px; transform: matrix(-0.86602, 0.49999, -0.49999, -0.86602, 957.167, 575.015); As soon as I change this manually to something more straight forward, it does work in chrome: transform-origin: 50% 50% transform: rotate(90deg);
  2. Thanks Dipscom for the advice, there are quite a lot of good animations to perform with css only. Sadly I care about the more complex ones. Thanks PointC for the hints, Ajax seems to be a good approach yet looking forward to a less complex SVG future.
  3. Dear community, I got to code a one-page website. It got quite a lot of sections and SVG elements with a lot of elements. As I want to animate them, I thought I got to include them into my html document. Doing so creates a massive file with way to many lines to work productive inside the document. Googling I found the `<use>` tag to reference groups or shapes, but it seems like its not suitable to reference a whole external .svg file. So thats my question: - How do you handle HTML files with a lot of SVG code? - Can I somehow use the external SVG files for internal use? As a tweak, I know that SVG for Everybody https://github.com/jonathantneal/svg4everybody creates a polyfill by adding external SVG files into the DOM for IE9+. Can I somehow "always enable" this, even if I know that its not the most appropriate way? To keep it simple: Its a "big thoughts low budget" project, so it does not need to a the professional solution at all and only has to support the newest browser (while IE9+ would be good). Thanks in advance for any suggestions and let me know if you got any questions, Marian.
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