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  1. Thanks, I was also thinking about the double container solution, and finally implemented it. It works well. I still wonder if the parallax translation could be calculated before any other "gsap.from" tween settings are applied.
  2. Hi GSAP team ! I'm trying to apply a scrolltriggered scale animation to an image inside a container. At the same time i'd like this image to have a parallax effect inside its container, using scrollsmoother and the data-speed="auto" parameter. The 2 effects do not seem to work well when applied simultaneously. You can see in my pen that the img is translated more than it should be. What I understand is that the parallax translation amount is determined after the initial up scaling is applied, thus resulting in a bigger amount than what is needed. Is there any way to create the parallax effect based on the initial image size ?
  3. Ok, it seems this isn't an issue related to GSAP but the way css works for inline-block elements with overflow other than visible, as read in this SO post. The solution is to set vertical-align:'top'. https://codepen.io/lucasdemea/pen/zYEKwvY
  4. When i set overflow:hidden on element other than lines on a multi-splitted element, the outer elements get a bigger height than the inner elements. What can I do to prevent this ?
  5. Thanks for clarification !
  6. Yes, that's what's not so clear to me. How can I embed gsap premium plugins as a dependency without having to share my license ? When my client will install my private package without having the .npmrc file setup with the license key, how will they be able to get the private gsap package ? Thanks @OSUblake for pointing me to privjs !
  7. Hi Greensock, and thank you for your amazing product. I'd like to sell a node package that would include GSAP as a dependency. It would be based on the freemium model : a free tier including some features, and the premium tier for the full feature set. The premium version would be hosted on a private npm repository. I will of course need the business green license, but I'm not sure of what would be the best way to handle the license key and the .npmrc file. Could anyone point me to the right direction please ? I know that similar questions have already been answered on this forum, but I couldn't find enough info on this specific subject.
  8. Here you go : http://codepen.io/anon/pen/JbZprN You can also see that the "word" div is empty.
  9. Hi, I'm using SplitText to split some elements in lines and words in order to animate them : var splitText = new SplitText(elements, { type: "lines, words", linesClass: "line", wordsClass: "word", }); Everything is working fine except when my elements are only one-word long. In this case, the split happens, but the line is wrapped into a word, when it should be the opposite, or I just get the word split, without the line wrapping it (I've seen both cases). Is this a known issue ? Is there a way to fix this ?
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