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  1. I'm still very new to flash and greensock. I came across this 3d flip effect with front content and back content. What I wish to achieve is: (1) few images with contents at the back (2) mouseover effect rather than clicking to flip the object/image (3) object will flip back to the original state on mouse leave rather than sticking with back content. AND I have tried creating the 2nd object/image, but whenever I click on any of the object, they got affected and flipped together. Truly have no idea how to edit and fix it. Your helps are much appreciated!! import com.greensock.TimelineLite; import com.greensock.TweenLite; import com.greensock.easing.*; flip1.z = 30; flip1.getChildAt(0).visible = false; flip1.getChildAt(0).rotationY = 180; flip1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,cardDown); flip2.z = 30; flip2.getChildAt(0).visible = false; flip2.getChildAt(0).rotationY = 180; flip2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,cardDown); function cardDown(e){ flipSelf(e.currentTarget); } function flipSelf(self){ var toRot; if(self.rotationY > 89){ toRot = 0; }else{ toRot = 180; } var timeline = new TimelineLite(); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(self,0.5,{z:30,ease:Back.easeOut })); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(self,1.5,{rotationY:toRot,ease:Strong.easeInOut,onUpdate:setFlipSide, onUpdateParams:[self] })); timeline.insert(TweenLite.to(self,0.5,{z:30,ease:Back.easeIn }),0.75); } function setFlipSide(self){ if(self.rotationY > 89){ flip1.getChildAt(1).visible = false; flip1.getChildAt(0).visible = true; }else{ flip1.getChildAt(0).visible = false; flip1.getChildAt(1).visible = true; } if(self.rotationY > 89){ flip2.getChildAt(1).visible = false; flip2.getChildAt(0).visible = true; }else{ flip2.getChildAt(0).visible = false; flip2.getChildAt(1).visible = true; } }
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