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About Kenjee

  • Birthday July 21

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  1. Alright, it's not perfect yet, but i build a scrollmagic like (bye ScrollMagic!) from the example you gave me @ZachSaucier and i adapt some code of the second codepen you share @OSUblake For now, my code is not changing value on resize but the way i have done it, the default value change because it's base on a percentage. In my current project, this will do the work but i will continue to develop this! Thanks for helping.
  2. Thanks, i will look into it and try some ajustments. I will let you know.
  3. Hi guys, I'm struggling with some responsive animation here. I try to get a sample of my code for demo, let me know if it's ok. I have some elements positioned with translate CSS and i tween them with ScrollMagic. It works fine. BUT... now i try to implement a responsive mode where i have media query in my CSS that change the default translate et in my JS, i have a resize event that try to re-render my controller with the updated scene. Here what i would it to do when i try to resize : - Use the new tween (updated xVal based on window width) - Get default translate value based on media query Thanks for helping! :-)
  4. Thanks! I will take time to read this! Have a nice day.
  5. Hello everyone, I was wondering since i know GSAP can be use for ads... How that works exactly? Do we have some docs that explain how to use with AdWords? Do we have to use Animation CC or we can build our code in text editor and put it somewhere in AdWords? Thanks for taking time to read me!
  6. Oh, it's funny how simple it was! I almost use this ease all the time, so i forgot about it! Thanks for the answer @PointC! Have a nice day!
  7. Hello everyone, I use GSAP since a while now but i still wondering... I use scrollMagic to animate scrolling page and i do something like that : var scene = new ScrollMagic.Scene({ triggerElement: "#element", triggerHook: "onEnter", duration: "100%" }), sceneTl = new TimelineMax(); sceneTl.from("#element", 1, { y: 50, ease: Power4.easeInOut }); But... i don't understand why when i use this triggerHook, my animation always start later and finish too soon. On my 100%, it animation around 70-80% of it. Is thre a reason for that? Is there a way to really start my animation when it's trigger and finish at the end? Thanks for helping!
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