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  1. Oh yes, thats actually much easier than the .get() method! I tried to combine this with ScrollMagic to trigger a GSAP animation once a certain container is in the middle of the view port but it didn't work. With the .load() method I got it working... Was a long way for me because it is the first GSAP animation I made! Here is the result: Link was deleted Thanks again for pointing me into the right direction!
  2. For others that maybe struggle with the same problem I've found a solution by this method here: http://plnkr.co/edit/LneUEK?p=preview The inline svg gets injected into the site with ajax... Worked like charm. Here is the thread about it: http://greensock.com/forums/topic/11187-accessing-svg-paths-in-external-file/
  3. This method worked like charm for me on my wordpress site – thanks! ^^ I have a really long svg with more than 1000 lines that some how broke by using it inline in wordpress...
  4. Thanks for the advices Carl! I will read the resources you posted...
  5. Hi there, I just started to work with GSAP and I made my first animated SVG. I developed everything local and now I wanted to integrate it in my WordPress site. The inline SVG has round about 1000 lines and wordpess some how struggles with this much lines. The result is that the svg looks broken and parts of it are missing. So I integrated the svg with <object></object> now it looks proper. I also enqueued all scripts but the animation is just not starting. In the console I can't see any errors related to this. Any of you more experienced guys may have a look at my work? I hope you can see what I did wrong on a glance! Here is the link Some background information: I use a caching plugin and a CDN but allready tried it without caching and CDN... no result. Thanks in advance!
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