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Ryan Leenox

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  1. Hi guys, today i was trying to reproduce a kind of fountain effect made of div with the following concept: Create a javascript array Push a div into the array Initialize its position with css wherever you want Move the dive like a water spurt Repeat with setInterval Well as you can see it's quietly easy, not that complicated but i was wondering how can i realize the fountain effect? well i mean, which kind of function do i have to use to give my animation this effect? Here's an example of what i'm trying to reproduce. http://cssdeck.com/labs/html5-canvas-fountain-exploding-particles-with-gravity Note: the previous example is realized using a canvas, i'd like to reproduce it without canvas, only using divs, jquery and the TweenLite library. TL DR: Which is the function i should use to reproduce something like that: http://cssdeck.com/labs/html5-canvas-fountain-exploding-particles-with-gravity using the TweenLite library?
  2. Hi guys, today morning i was reading the "get started page" on the GSAP web site, i was finding it really interesting, then i decided to try it. But as soon as i wrote my code and launched on google chrome, it didn't seem to work at all. Then i started wondering if there were some problems with my browser even because i tried the same code on CODEPEN (http://codepen.io/RyanLeenox/pen/EjWNRg) and it's working perfectly. So my question is, what to i have to do, to run the code on my browser? ps. I'm new here, this is my first post and i really hope this is the right section, these are the right topic tags, if not i'm really sorry about it.
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