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  1. That worked a treat. Thank you!
  2. Thanks for the response. Here's the codepen. http://codepen.io/anon/pen/qEOzPe Before changing "pause" to the correct "paused" clicking the forward arrow did play the timeline but now it's not playing at all. I'm sure this is expected behaviour but I wanted to note it.
  3. I'm having a bit of trouble getting a set of chained timelines to pause as they complete. I want to have timelines to control a couple of objects on screen and then pause until the user hits the forward button to advance but I can't seem to get the pause to kick in. It just keeps running through both timelines. I'm guessing I'm using the wrong approach. Would love some help on this. $('.trigger-forward').click(function() { scene.play(); }); $('.trigger-backward').click(function() { scene.reverse(); }); var moment_1 = new TimelineMax({pause:true}); var moment_2 = new TimelineMax({pause:true}); moment_1.to("#scene_earth_move .earth", 2, {scale: 1.4}, 0) .to("#scene_earth_move h1", 1, {top: "40%"}, 0); moment_1.to("#scene_earth_move .earth", 2, {scale: 2}, 0) .to("#scene_earth_move h1", 1, {top: "80%"}, 0); var scene = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); scene.add(moment_1) .addPause() .add(moment_2); Thank you
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