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  1. Alright I was right on my idea that this 'label' thingy, that I was looking in the api for hours, is the answer. But I was confused on how to do it using the convenience methods. Thank you Carl for the tips it helped me a lot. Awesome GSAP! I love it. My top 1 favorite library! B-)
  2. Is it possible for GSAP to do what I think. Because my idea is to let the Timeline go to a specific child (tweens inside/added to a timeline) and when that tween is finished animating, it will pause. Here's the code sample: HTML <div class="book"> <div class="last page"></div> <div class="page one"></div> ... <div class="cover page"></div> </div> <div id="prevPage"></div> <div id="nextPage"></div> JAVASCRIPT var book_timeline = new TimelineMax({ paused: true }) /* tween children */ .to('.page.cover', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.one', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.two', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }) .to('.page.last', 0.4, { rotationY:'-180deg', transformOrigin:'0 0' }); $('#nextPage').click(function(){ // code that animates only one (next page) tween inside a timeline then pause book_timeline.play(); }); $('#prevPage').click(function(){ book_timeline.reverse(); }); I want to use GSAP to make my own book flipping div's
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