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Owais Ahmed

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  1. I am converting flash ad into html5 ad. I am copying this demo link. This is a flash animation and it is build using GreenSock API I just want to make image animation just like in the demo ad. In the demo car animation is coming from left to right with a motion blur effect. Can anyone tell me how to implement this?i am new to programming . Help would be appreciated. This is my code JSFiddle
  2. Hi i am new into programming and my boss asked me to convert a flash version of ad banner into HTML5 and i am not able to figure out how to do it. Here is a Link Can anyone please help me out. I have tried few codes but it is not working as i want it to work. function HTML5Banner(){ var tl = new TimelineMax(); tl.to($("#images > img"), 0, {autoAlpha:0}); tl.fromTo(introImg, 1, { left: 100, top: 60, autoAlpha: 0, width: "100px" }, { left: 180, top: 60, autoAlpha: 1, width: "100px", rotation: "0" }); tl.fromTo(introTxt, 1, { left: 0, top: 60, autoAlpha: 0, width: "100px" }, { left: 30, top: 60, autoAlpha: 1, width: "100px", rotation: "0" }); tl.to(ctaBtn, 1, {css:{opacity:1}, ease:Power4.easeOut}, "-=0.5"); tl.play(); } I tried something like that but its not working . I am also trying to ad Jquery code in between but Jquery Animation is not working , Can anyone help me [please
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