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  1. Thanks for your quick response. Here is a simple demo of what I am trying to do: http://codepen.io/jpignati/pen/uybdB at the end the green div should have a right:auto value but it does not. I can set the left to auto no problem. I am fairly new to .js so maybe I am missing something. UPDATE: Hey guys, looking at it simplified made me realize that I was not waiting for the correct tween to end before I tried to set the values. So the second tween was overriding the set values.
  2. The problem I am seeing is after I do this: TweenMax.to('#contentsCase.'+sectionArray[currentSection], 1, {autoAlpha:0, left:-1210, onComplete:byeBye, onCompleteScope:currentSection}) I can't change the value of left with jQuery in the onComplete function. In the function byeBye, I am trying to set the css value of left back to either 'auto' or 'inherit' but it's not changing anything. Neither of these work, but I can change any other value no problem. $('#contentsCase.'+sectionArray[currentSection]).css( 'left', 'inherit' ); $('#contentsCase.'+sectionArray[currentSection]).css( 'left', 'auto' ); My other question is if I can tween to an 'auto' or 'inherit' value?
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