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  1. Hi , thank you for your help. addPause() did the trick for me.
  2. Hi I am trying to achieve a nice switching animation with hint for the user. <div class="messageBox"> <div class="start"> Please start by entering name of your chosen product. </div> <div class="pickup"> Perfect now pickup your item </div> <div class="selected"> Selected </div> <div class="notFound"> Nothing found, it's possible we are not having this for you yet </div> </div> Javascript code like this var transform = {opacity:0, scale:0, y:80, rotationX:180, transformOrigin:"0% 50% -50", ease:Back.easeOut}; var anim = new TimelineMax() .set(".start", {visibility: 'visible'}) .set(".pickup", {visibility: 'visible'}) .set(".selected", {visibility: 'visible'}) .set(".notFound", {visibility: 'visible'}) .staggerTo(notFoundText.chars, 1,transform , 0.001, "s") .staggerTo(selectedText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s") .staggerTo(pickupText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s") .staggerFrom(startTypeText.chars, 1,transform , 0.001, "s") .staggerTo(notFoundText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s2") .staggerTo(selectedText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s2") .staggerTo(startTypeText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s2") .staggerFrom(pickupText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s2") .staggerTo(notFoundText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s3") .staggerTo(pickupText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s3") .staggerTo(startTypeText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s3") .staggerFrom(selectedText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s3") .staggerTo(selectedText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s4") .staggerTo(pickupText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s4") .staggerTo(startTypeText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s4") .staggerFrom(notFoundText.chars, 1, transform, 0.001, "s4") anim.pause() And then when step is selected anim.play(0) // or 1/2/3 setTimeout(function(){ anim.pause() },1000) I' am doing probably some really wrong here. I did set up each step to last one second, but with stagger it seems that it is more depend on sentence length... so sometimes it's less then a second, but usually more. Another problem I have is with instructing anim to play exactly one second. I could not find any api support for this, so that's why setTimeout - but this doesn't work properly of course - it's not precise I'll bet there must be some more convenient way how to achieve something similar Thx a lot for help
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