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drewbit last won the day on August 17 2014

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drewbit last won the day on August 17 2014

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  1. I had a need for controlling a sprite-sheet, with pause, play, and go-to-frame functionality. Also needed practice creating jQuery plugins. The result is jquery.gsap.sprite.js. Gitub: https://github.com/agrothe/jquery.gsap.sprite Demo: http://jsbin.com/quvuzo/6/edit?html,js,output Sample Usage: var mark = $(".mark").sprite({ frameWidth: 24, frameHeight: 70, sheetWidth: 120, imageSrc:"https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6801572/marksprite.png" }); // Pause the sprite mark.sprite("pause"); // Play the sprite mark.sprite("play"); // Resume the sprite from where it was paused mark.sprite("resume"); // Restart the sprite from the beginning mark.sprite("restart"); // Stop the sprite mark.sprite("stop"); // Goto first frame (0 indexed) and stop mark.sprite("seek", 0, true); // Goto thrid frame (0 indexed) and stop mark.sprite("seek", 2, true); // Goto thrid frame (0 indexed) and continue mark.sprite("seek", 2); A few advanced features are overrides for TweenMax and TimelineMax libraries, as well as passing in your own Timeline object for maximum control. Comments and suggestions more than welcome.
  2. Hey Shaun, I hope you don't mind I mentioned you in credit for that technique on my tutorial I just wrote on my blog. If there is a better link then your profile link here let me know and I'll add it! I've done a codepen as well to demonstrate the idea I was prototyping: http://codepen.io/agrothe/pen/NqPYVR
  3. Exactly what I was after, but as usual, just over thinking it. Thanks.
  4. I'm trying to repeatedly scroll items in a list. I have a container with 3 images all with float: left set on them. When the first element is animated, the second one stays in place, instead of moving. Relevant code here, complete example at: http://jsbin.com/tivupa/2/edit?html,output .slideshow { display: block; width:7300px; position: absolute; top: 200px; left: 0px; } .slideshow img { float:left;margin:0;padding:0; } <container> <div class="slideshow"> <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6801572/terrain.png" alt="" width="2400" height="305" /> <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6801572/terrain.png" alt="" width="2400" height="305" /> <img src="https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/6801572/terrain.png" alt="" width="2400" height="305" /> </div> </container> TweenMax.to($(".slideshow img:first"), 10, {x:"-=2400px", ease:Linear.easeNone, onComplete: function(){ $(".slideshow img:first").insertAfter(".slideshow img:last");}}); Any ideas how I can get a continuous scrolling effect?
  5. The series is complete and the code on github.
  6. Part 2 is up. Covers Cloud based development with Codio and adds collision detection and the GSAP Draggable plugin.
  7. Hi again. I've started a beginner tutorial series for people looking to get started with HTML5 game development using jQuery and GSAP. Thought I'd link here for those who might be interested. I hope this is relevant, if not, feel free to moderate. The series will cover prototyping with JSBIN (substitute codepen, jsfiddle), animation (GSAP of course), basic collision detection and added particle effects with canvas. Part 1 covering prototyping and animation is fresh of the press and working on the collision detection next. Thanks, Andrew
  8. Ditto for the lock-to-center request.
  9. FYI, you can now see this in action: http://bordereastcreative.com/spacecute/game.html.
  10. drewbit

    Game Demo

    Yes, I'm using the bezier plugin. Couldn't write the math myself And thanks for the tip, didn't know they both were included in TweenMax. I don't usually read enough documentation, heh.
  11. drewbit

    Game Demo

    Well, I finally made something with GSAP. Take a look: http://bordereastcreative.com/spacecute/game.html. Maybe there should be a gallery forum? Would love to see what other people are making. Note: Chrome/Safari best for the demo, IE11 works, haven't tried FF. Still a work in progress but certainly playable for 2-3 levels.
  12. The jQuery plugin basically just does that. the doPIxelsCollide function gets the matrix of points that make up the non-transparent image and compares them. So it basically does a similar compare, but not on the bounding box, but on the actual edges of your image. So if you have two circles, you won't get phantom collision on the empty corners of the images, but on the actual edges of the circle.
  13. Well, I just wanted to give back a little bit to this great community. I've combined two pieces of code to obtain very easy pixel level collision detection. It may not be "perfect" but it seems fairly accurate. Another post on the forum reference jQuery-Collision plugin, which is really efficient at providing fast rectangular detection. It of course, suffers when your images do not resemble boxes. I found this great little piece of code that does pixel level collision detection on canvas objects. Combining the two gives us a nice two layered approach to first determine if objects bounding boxes collide, then get nit-picky about the pixels. So, include both files above, drop a canvas layered below your jQuery objects with the same width & height as your stage and do the following in your game loop/update function: var breakable = player.collision( ".asteroid" ); // jquery-collision if(breakable!==null&&breakable!==undefined&&breakable.length!==0){ // first test bounding box // draw player and enemy on underlying ctx canvas context2D ctx.drawImage(player.get(0), player.position().left, player.position().top); var roid = $(".asteroid"); ctx.drawImage(roid.get(0), roid.position().left, roid.position().top); // get imageData from just the areas we need to check var imgD1 =ctx.getImageData(int(player.position().left), int(player.position().top), int(player.width()), int(player.height())); var imgD2 =ctx.getImageData(roid.position().left,roid.position().top,roid.width(), roid.height()); // now test pixel collisions if(isPixelCollision(imgD1 , player.position().left,player.position().top, imgD2, roid.position().left, roid.position().top, false )){ collide(hitTests[i].id); } ClearCanvas(); // ctx.clearRect(), so we don't leave images behind } I took this from my code, but I think the idea is pretty clear. Combining existing code gives us a pretty decent collision detection. Also, I have found that using the layered canvas allows me to draw some nice effects behind my jQuery objects while still using DOM elements to create a game. I've found that some mobile devices have trouble with straight canvas games so I think this allows me to "turn off" certain effects fairly easy. Hopefully this helps someone while creating a demo / proof-of-concept without spending a ton of time on things like collision detection. At some point, I'll get this in a nice blog post. Cheers, Andrew
  14. Yes indeed, thanks. I had to put the second tween in side of an "onComplete" function of the first and drop the "repeat" parameter. Too close to the trees... however that saying goes!
  15. I'm trying to randomize some settings in a tween. The first time it gets random values, but each iteration thereafter is identical. function RandomTween(e,o,w,h){ TweenMax.to(e, 0, {x:(int(o.left*w)), y:(int(o.top*h)),rotation:getRandomArbitary(1.05,6.25)+"rad"}); TweenMax.to(e, getRandomArbitary(0.5,5), {y: o.animation.to.y*h,repeat:-1,x: o.animation.to.x*w,force3D:true, rotation:getRandomArbitary(1.05,6.25)+"rad",ease:Linear.easeNone,onComplete:function(e,o,w,h){ RandomTween(e,o,w,h); },onCompleteParams:[e,o,w,h]}); } /** * Returns a random number between min and max */ function getRandomArbitary (min, max) { return random() * (max - min) + min; } var seed = 1; function random() { var x = Math.sin(seed++) * 10000; return x - Math.floor(x); } Am I missing something here?
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