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Everything posted by andytwoods

  1. Cheers for the points Actually wanted to hide them so that I get to see other messages whilst developing. I have to scroll to get past those messages. My interim solution is just to remove the old school css. Was using 'set' to dynamically set css. No tweeting
  2. Hi, I'm using the CSSPlugin. is it possible to disable invalid CSS errors such as invalid -khtml-user-select tween value: none I see this code in CSSPlugin.js if (_gsScope.console) { console.log(s); } I worry though if I interfere with console there, I'll break other stuff! thanks, Andy.
  3. Many thanks, yes, you've answered my super ambiguous questions All relates to this other q of mine, where I ask about using greensock for psyc research (where timing is critical). Thanks! https://greensock.com/forums/topic/15548-timelinelite-timing-accuracy-usable-in-behavioural-reaction-time-based-research/
  4. I thought to repeat the above exploration but when using frames (codeopen). stat_descriptor  av  stdev  min  max start_dur  16.798700000000064  3.8474303125724116  15.13000000000011  54.35000000000002 end_dur  83.65744999999997  1.3122920220019905  78.39999999999964  87.49999999999909
  5. Hi, Would 'onComplete'/'onStart' wait to fire upon 'screen refresh'? If not, how can I achieve this? Thanks, Andy. edit: So I explored this via code. Find below results (asking for block to appear for 100ms). Results imply 'onComplete'/'onStart' do fire upon screen refresh/new frame. Must say, the results make me nervous. Fingers crossed there is a bug in my code. Here is a codeOpen exploration. stat_descriptor  av  stdev  min  max start_dur  16.420999999999886  2.655742111278148  7.490000000000009  39.90499999999997 end_dur  93.43405000000013  8.488287613743891  63.65499999999997  101.95000000000073 start_dur, or 'time the code was started' makes sense. It's one refresh, after the item was asked to be placed on screen. edit2: approx 40 ms between max and min durations. Thats approx 2 refreshes. What you'd expect?
  6. Nice one, thanks. Will try to persuade my company to sponsor this research. Would be cool for it to be opensource/openaccess and perhaps cover a research assistant's fees for a few weeks. Also a nice little headline perhaps (we intend to use GSAP in v3 of Xperiment). Might try for $500? Fingers crossed. Would be cool if you could try too.
  7. Thanks all. That's really awesome! I chatted with Thomas Schubert and we're thinking of repeating his 2013 study but with RequestAnimationFrame based software. Maybe Josh de Leeuw will be interested too (JsPsyc, that popular online psychology package). Important that people know how the tech has changed. You guys want to get involved? Drop me an email cheers, Andy. PS we did a simulation here regarding that 'over frames' issue you mentioned and it really is scary bananas how impactful it can be:
  8. super nice! Really appreciate your help @Dipscom RequestAnimationFrame/RaF is being considered for use by a very popular 'online psychology' JS package so that is really awesome cheers, Andy.
  9. Many thanks @Dipscom, my question boils down to: is timelinelite as accurate as setTimeOut() ? (both ways would be susceptible to the same plethora of issues that affect browser based timing). At the moment, I've style.visibility = 'hidden' and then just set that to style.visiblilty = ''visible" when needed. I guess, worse comes to worse, I could measure timing via hardware like my chum Thomas Schubert (with an arduino and a photodiode). But it would be awesome to avoid this step. Cheers, Andy.
  10. Dear all, how accurate is TimeLineLite? People advise to stick with setTimeOut() for accurate timing of visual elements on screen (http://link.springer.com/article/10.3758/s13428-016-0783-4, the actual pdf) and not to use external packages (which presumably would add bulk/unknown-inaccuracies). I see that you can measure timing in TimeLineLite in terms of ticks. This seems the ultimate way of controlling for timing. But are onscreen happenings guaranteed to stick to ticks? I've been using Greensock for years and would be so happy to use it again cheers, Andy. Edit: v relevant prev post here. Advises following setting to avoid inaccuracies: TweenLite.lagSmoothing(0)
  11. Sorry, I never saw your reply! I've recently encountered this issue again. You can modify your project to disable such messages: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3610516/how-to-suppress-warnings-for-one-actionscript-file cheers, Andy.
  12. OK, yes, it was me mucking stuff up with that 'make Eclipse happy' hack. Sorry!
  13. Sorry, I know the problem. I edited my Greensock to avoid Flashbuilder complaining about this sort of code: if((a=2))trace(123). to if(true==(a=2))trace(123). Let me see if reverting fixes this.
  14. my previous code (transformAroundCenter) also does not work now. This must be related to me upgrading my greensock classes recently. Let me check to make sure everything is good.
  15. Hi, no errors. This is bizarre. Just uploaded the swf. Pasting my code below as I must have mucked something up! import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.plugins.TransformAroundPointPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundPointPlugin]); var sha1:Shape = new Shape(); sha1.graphics.beginFill(0x000222,.5); sha1.graphics.drawRect(0,0,100,200); var sha2:Shape = new Shape(); sha2.graphics.lineStyle(1); sha2.graphics.drawRect(0,0,100,200); addChild(sha1); addChild(sha2); sha1.x=sha2.x=100; sha1.y=sha2.y=100; var bounds:Rectangle = sha1.getBounds(sha1.parent); var point:Point = new Point(bounds.x + bounds.width / 2, bounds.y + bounds.height / 2); stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,rotateL); var angle:Number = 10; function rotateL(e:MouseEvent):void{ angle+= 1; TweenMax.to(sha1,0,{transformAroundPoint:{point:point, rotation:angle}}); }
  16. Hi again, just trying out this code. I'm getting no movement. Thanks, Andy.
  17. Awesome! Thanks for the solution Had an inkling it may be something to do with rounding issues but thought better ask the experts. cheers, Andy.
  18. Hi, I just upgraded everything to the latest version. Still getting the prob. Here's a swf and here's a fla with a minimal demo of the problem. Thanks, Andy. import com.greensock.TweenMax; import com.greensock.plugins.TransformAroundCenterPlugin; import com.greensock.plugins.TweenPlugin; TweenPlugin.activate([TransformAroundCenterPlugin]); var sha1:Shape = new Shape(); sha1.graphics.beginFill(0x000222,.5); sha1.graphics.drawRect(0,0,100,200); var sha2:Shape = new Shape(); sha2.graphics.lineStyle(1); sha2.graphics.drawRect(0,0,100,200); addChild(sha1); addChild(sha2); sha1.x=sha2.x=100; sha1.y=sha2.y=100; stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE,rotateL); var angle:Number = 10; function rotateL(e:MouseEvent):void{ angle+= 1; TweenMax.to(sha1,0,{transformAroundCenter:{rotation:angle}}); }
  19. Any tips too on antialiasing when I'm rotating? thanks!
  20. Hi there, It could be that my own code is interferring, but I'm seeing a slow drift of Sprites (containing png) when I use transformAroundCenter (where duration = 0 and angle is governed by mouse position): TweenMax.to(us,duration,{transformAroundCenter:{rotation:angle}}); Here's a video of the behaviour: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENfDcnk6xq4&feature=youtu.be Any tips on forcing a static xy position? thanks, Andy.
  21. Thanks for your reply. I've got the Cocoon end of things sorted. I can get raw data / files from cocoon. My question is, is there a way to get such raw data / files into LoaderMax. Thanks.
  22. Hi, I load lots of files once using LoaderMax. I then pass these files around devices in the local area with https://code.google.com/p/cocoon-p2p/ . Is there a way I can get these locally shared files into LoaderMax? Would be a shame to have to wire up a non-LoaderMax way of accessing files on local devices. Thanks.
  23. Thanks for replies I think i'll use this lovely package. cheers, Andy.
  24. Probably a silly Q but can you see GSAP being able to achieve this sort of thing? http://lamberta.github.io/html5-animation/examples/ch08/15-triple-spring.html I'm considering a grid of many such dots and am pondering the best way of achieving it. With best wishes, Andy.
  25. Hi there, I'm just figuring out my options Thought perhaps there was some handshake I might be able to deploy. I think I'll just rely though on cunning htaccess files. cheers, Andy.
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