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ScrollTrigger.isInViewport( Element:Element | String, proportion:Number, horizontal:Boolean ) : Boolean

Returns true if the element is in the viewport. You can optionally specify a minimum proportion, like ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element, 0.2) would only return true if at least 20% of the element is in the viewport.


  • Element: Element | String

    The element or selector text

  • proportion: Number

    The minimum proportion of the element that must be in the viewport to return true, so 0.2 would mean that at least 20% of the element must be in the viewport in order for the method to return true

  • horizontal: Boolean

    By default, the vertical position is evaluated but to use the horizontal position instead, set the horizontal parameter to true


Returns true if the element is in the viewport.

// is any part of the element in the viewport?
if (ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element)) {
// you can use selector text
// do stuff

You can optionally specify a minimum proportion, so 0.2 would only return true if at least 20% of the element is in the viewport:

// at least 20% of the element must be in the viewport for this to return true
if (ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element, 0.2)) {
// do stuff

By default, it checks the vertical position but if you'd like to check the horizontal position instead, set the 3rd parameter to true like:

// check horizontal instead of vertical
if (ScrollTrigger.isInViewport(element, 0.2, true)) {
// do stuff

To find out the precise location of the element within the viewport, see the ScrollTrigger.positionInViewport() method.


