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Returns : Function


If you find yourself calling many times on the same numeric property of the same target, like in a "mousemove" event, you can boost performance by creating a quickTo() function instead. Think of a quickTo() like an optimized function tied to one particular numeric property, where it directly pipes a new number to it and skips convenience tasks in a normal call such as:

  • Unit conversion and auto-appending of units
  • Relative values
  • Function-based values
  • "random()" parsing
  • Plugin parsing - this is only for direct properties or CSS-related properties of the target. You cannot, for example, use an attr:{} value or morphSVG, etc.
  • Property name alias conversion ("x" will work for transforms, but "translateX" won't)

Each time you pass in a new number to the function, it basically restarts the animation, redirecting it to that new value. It returns the (reused) Tween instance.

The optional 3rd parameter is for the tween vars object where you can specify tween-related settings like duration, ease, etc.


let xTo = gsap.quickTo("#id", "x", { duration: 0.4, ease: "power3" }),
yTo = gsap.quickTo("#id", "y", { duration: 0.4, ease: "power3" });

document.querySelector("#container").addEventListener("mousemove", (e) => {

Combine with utility methods for super-powerful functions!

Since it accepts a single value, you can slap a quickTo at the end of a pipe(), after other utility functions that do useful things to the numbers you feed in, like clamping or snapping or somehow sanitizing the values. For example:

let xTo = gsap.utils.pipe(
gsap.utils.clamp(0, 100), // make sure the number is between 0 and 100
gsap.utils.snap(5), // snap to the closest increment of 5
gsap.quickTo("#id", "x", {duration: 0.8, ease: "power3"}) // apply it to the #id element's x property, have it take 0.8 seconds each time it's updated, and use a "power3" ease

//then later...
xTo(150) // animates the #el's transform to translateX(100px) (clamped to 100)
xTo(3) // animates it to 5px (snapped)

Mouse Follower Demo


Optionally define a start value

By default, it will start from whatever the CURRENT value is inside the tween at its current progress (it doesn't actually check the target for the current value...the idea here is to maximize performance). But you can override that by passing in a numeric start value as the 2nd parameter:

let xTo = gsap.quickTo("#id", "x", { duration: 0.8 });

xTo(100); // animates to 100 from current value inside the tween at its current progress
xTo(100, 500); // animates to 100 from 500

Access the tween

If you need to access the tween, like to pause() it for example, the resulting function has a .tween property:

let xTo = gsap.quickTo("#id", "x", { duration: 0.8 });

xTo(100); // animate to 100
xTo.tween.pause(); // pause the tween!

It's a regular Tween instance, so you can leverage any of its methods and properties except delay().