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Returns : Function


If you find yourself calling gsap.set() many times on the same object (or set of objects), like in a "mousemove" event, you can boost performance 50% - 250% by creating a quickSetter function and using that instead of gsap.set(). Think of a quickSetter like an optimized function tied to a particular target's (or set of targets') property, where it directly pipes data to it and skips convenience tasks in a normal gsap.set() call such as:

  • Unit conversion and auto-appending of units (though you can specify a unit for the quickSetter that'll always get appended to the number you feed in)
  • Relative values
  • Function-based values
  • "random()" parsing
  • Special workarounds for property-specific browser inconsistencies like transformOrigin on SVG elements (so it isn't advisable to create a quickSetter for transformOrigin).
  • Property name alias conversion ("x" will work for transforms, but "translateX" won't)

Don't be afraid to use gsap.set() because in most cases you'd never notice a real-world performance difference by switching to a quickSetter and gsap.set() provides a lot of worthwhile conveniences. But at GreenSock we're performance nuts, so we wanted to provide a tool for hyper-optimized property setting in performance-critical cases where you've got a LOT updates going on.

Combine with utility methods for super-powerful functions!

Since it accepts a single value, you can slap a quickSetter at the end of a pipe(), after other utility functions that do useful things to the numbers you feed in, like clamping or snapping or somehow sanitizing the values. For example:

let xSetter = gsap.utils.pipe(
gsap.utils.clamp(0, 100), //make sure the number is between 0 and 100
gsap.utils.snap(5), //snap to the closest increment of 5
gsap.quickSetter("#id", "x", "px") //apply it to the #id element's x property and append a "px" unit

//then later...
xSetter(150) //sets the #el's transform to translateX(100px) (clamped to 100)
xSetter(3) //sets it to 5px (snapped)

Mouse Follower Demo


If you're animating, use gsap.quickTo()

gsap.quickSetter() is aimed at immediately setting values, but if you'd prefer to animate to new values instead, check out the gsap.quickTo() method instead. Here's a mouse follower demo using that:


Trick for multiple values

You can get the benefits of CSSPlugin (like relative values, "random()" parsing, etc.) and the ability to apply multiple properties to DOM elements by setting the property of the quickSetter to "css" and then passing in the value as an object, like:

var boxSet = gsap.quickSetter("#box", "css");
boxSet({ x: "+=100", y: "random(-100, 100)" }); //works!

This technique also works for attributes (using "attr" instead):

var circleSet = gsap.quickSetter("#circle", "attr");
circleSet({ cx: "+=100", cy: "random(-100, 100)" }); //works!

But this won't deliver as much of a performance boost as you'd get by using a specific property like gsap.quickSetter("#box", "x", "px"). It's still faster than a standard gsap.set(), though.