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Returns : Function

pipe() basically strings together multiple function calls, passing the result from one to the next. Instead of having to manually chain and pass one's return value to the next's parameter, pipe() can do it for you. For example:

// without pipe()
var value1 = func1(input);
var value2 = func2(value1);
var output = func3(value2);

// or multi-level wrapping (awkward)
var output = func1(func2(func3(input)));

// cleaner with pipe()
var transfrom = gsap.utils.pipe(func1, func2, func3);
var output = transform(input);


Pass as many functions as you want to pipe() and they'll be called in that order, with the return value of each being passed to the next.

Tip: combine reusable functions for powerful data transformations!

You can pipe() several reusable functions together to perform multiple tasks on an incoming value, like clamping, mapping to another range, snapping, interpolating, and more. For example:

// get a clamping function that will always clamp to a range between 0 and 100
var transformer = gsap.utils.pipe(
// clamp between 0 and 100
gsap.utils.clamp(0, 100),

// then map to the corresponding position on the width of the screen
gsap.utils.mapRange(0, 100, 0, window.innerWidth),

// then snap to the closest increment of 20

// now we feed one value in and it gets run through ALL those transformations!:

Video demo: combining utility methods