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Minimal usage

// we're starting at a scale of 1 and animating to 2, so pass those into config()..."#image", { duration: 1, scale: 2, ease: "expoScale(1, 2)" });
Not included in the Core

This ease is in the EasePack file. To learn how to include this in your project, see the Installation page.


Most easing equations give a smooth, gradual transition between the start and end values, but RoughEase provides an easy way to get a rough, jagged effect instead, or you can also get an evenly-spaced back-and-forth movement if you prefer. RoughEase is in the EasePack file. Configure the RoughEase with any of these optional properties:

Config Object



  • clamp

    Boolean - Setting clamp to true will prevent points from exceeding the end value or dropping below the starting value. For example, if you’re tweening the x property from 0 to 100, the RoughEase would force all random points to stay between 0 and 100 if clamp is true, but if it is false, x could potentially jump above 100 or below 0 at some point during the tween (it would always end at 100 though in this example). Default: false.
  • points

    Number - The number of points to be plotted along the ease, making it jerk more or less frequently. Default: 20.
  • randomize

    Boolean - By default, the placement of points will be randomized (creating the roughness) but you can set randomize to false to make the points zig-zag evenly across the ease. Using this in conjunction with a taper value can create a nice effect. Default: true.
  • strength

    Number - Controls how far from the template ease the points are allowed to wander (a small number like 0.1 keeps it very close to the template ease whereas a larger number like 5 creates much bigger variations). Default: 1.
  • taper

    String ("in" | "out" | "both" | "none") - To make the strength of the roughness taper towards the end or beginning or both, use "out", "in", or "both" respectively. Default: "none".
  • template

    String - An ease that should be used as a template, like a general guide. The RoughEase will plot points that wander from that template. You can use this to influence the general shape of the RoughEase. Default: "none".

Example code

//use the default values
gsap.from(element, {duration: 1, opacity: 0, ease: "rough"});

//or customize the configuration, {duration: 2, y: 300, ease: "rough({strength: 3, points: 50, template: strong.inOut, taper: both, randomize: false})" });