Classpublic class Crop
InheritanceCrop Inheritance flash.display.Sprite

An example implementation of a cropping tool that works with TransformManager, making it relatively simple to allow users to interactively crop a DisplayObject using a rectangular mask. A Crop object is a Sprite that places itself in front of its target (the DisplayObject that it should crop) and it also creates another Shape object that serves as the target's mask. So the Crop object and the mask Shape are both automatically added to the display list. When the Crop's attached property is true, the target will move/scale/rotate along with the Crop object (changes to the Crop are also applied to the target). When maskEnabled is true, the target will be masked visually.

The Crop object is treated as just another TransformItem in the associated TransformManager so that it is able to be moved/scaled/rotated/selected.

When the Crop's cropMode property is true, it automatically detaches from the target (attached is set to false) and the following also occur, which you can customize using the configureCropMode() method:

When cropMode is changed to false, a "exitCropMode" Event is dispatched.

To enter cropMode, simply double-click on the Crop object or manually set cropMode to true. You could also create a button in your interface to toggle cropMode. Or use TransformManager's addSelectionBoxElement() method to add a cropping button/icon to the actual selection box if you prefer. To exit cropMode, double-click the Crop object again or deselect both the target and Crop object (by clicking off of them) (you can disable this behavior with the configureCropMode() method).

Example AS3 code:

import com.greensock.transform.*;

//create the TransformManager first 
var manager:TransformManager = new TransformManager();
//now create Crop objects for mc1, mc2, and mc3 which are all DisplayObjects on the stage
var mc1Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc1, manager);
var mc2Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc2, manager);
var mc3Crop:Crop = new Crop(mc3, manager);

//change the default cropMode behavior of mc1Crop so that the lineColor is 0x00FF00 and the alpha is 0.5
mc1Crop.configureCropMode(false, 0.5, 0x00FF00, true);

Copyright 2011-2012, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for corporate Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the corporate membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  attached : Boolean
If true, transformations that are made to the Crop (move/scale/rotation) will also affect to the target.
  cropMode : Boolean
When the Crop's cropMode property is true, it automatically detaches from the target (attached is set to false) and the following also occur, which you can customize using the configureCropMode() method: maskEnabled is set to false so that the target becomes fully visible (not masked). The line color of the selection box becomes red (the TransformManager's lineColor is temporarily changed). The alpha of the Crop is set to 0.3 so that the rectangle becomes visible. A "enterCropMode" Event is dispatched. When cropMode is changed to false, a "exitCropMode" Event is dispatched. To enter cropMode, simply double-click on the Crop object or manually set cropMode to true.
  height : Number
[override] [write-only]
  maskEnabled : Boolean
If true, the target will be masked by the crop.
  rotation : Number
[override] [write-only]
  scaleX : Number
[override] [write-only]
  scaleY : Number
[override] [write-only]
  target : DisplayObject
[read-only] The target DisplayObject that the Crop object should affect (mask/crop).
  transform : Transform
[override] [write-only]
  width : Number
[override] [write-only]
  x : Number
[override] [write-only]
  y : Number
[override] [write-only]
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
Crop(target:DisplayObject, manager:TransformManager, attached:Boolean = true, fillColor:uint = 0x000000, alpha:Number = 0)
calibrateDepths(event:Event = null, leaveTarget:Boolean = false):void
Adjusts the depth levels of the target or Crop object in the display list so that the Crop is on top of the target.
configureCropMode(maskEnabled:Boolean, alpha:Number, lineColor:uint, autoApplyOnDeselect:Boolean = true):void
Allows some customization of the cropMode, like alpha, lineColor, etc.
Destroys the Crop object, removing its internal event listeners, disabling the mask, and releasing it for garbage collection.
update(event:Event = null, calibrateBox:Boolean = true):void
Forces an update of the Crop object so that it either applies any recent scale/rotation/movement to the target (if attached is true) or records the offset values (if attached is false).
Property Detail

If true, transformations that are made to the Crop (move/scale/rotation) will also affect to the target. Set attached to false to move/scale/rotate the crop and its target independently.

    public function get attached():Boolean
    public function set attached(value:Boolean):void

When the Crop's cropMode property is true, it automatically detaches from the target (attached is set to false) and the following also occur, which you can customize using the configureCropMode() method:

When cropMode is changed to false, a "exitCropMode" Event is dispatched.

To enter cropMode, simply double-click on the Crop object or manually set cropMode to true. You could also create a button in your interface to toggle cropMode. Or use TransformManager's addSelectionBoxElement() method to add a cropping button/icon to the actual selection box if you prefer. To exit cropMode, double-click the Crop object again or deselect both the target and Crop object (by clicking off of them) (you can disable this behavior with the configureCropMode() method).

    public function get cropMode():Boolean
    public function set cropMode(value:Boolean):void

See also

height:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set height(value:Number):void

If true, the target will be masked by the crop. Technically the target's mask gets set to a Shape object that the Crop creates internally.

    public function get maskEnabled():Boolean
    public function set maskEnabled(value:Boolean):void
rotation:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set rotation(value:Number):void
scaleX:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set scaleX(value:Number):void
scaleY:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set scaleY(value:Number):void
target:DisplayObject  [read-only]

The target DisplayObject that the Crop object should affect (mask/crop).

    public function get target():DisplayObject
transform:Transform  [write-only] [override]

    public function set transform(value:Transform):void
width:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set width(value:Number):void
x:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set x(value:Number):void
y:Number  [write-only] [override]

    public function set y(value:Number):void
Constructor Detail
public function Crop(target:DisplayObject, manager:TransformManager, attached:Boolean = true, fillColor:uint = 0x000000, alpha:Number = 0)


target:DisplayObject — the target DisplayObject that the Crop object should affect (mask/crop).
manager:TransformManager — the TransformManager instance that should be used to manage the transformations/selections
attached:Boolean (default = true) — if true (the default), transformations that are made to the Crop (move/scale/rotation) will also affect to the target. Set attached to false to move/scale/rotate them independently.
fillColor:uint (default = 0x000000) — the fill color (hex value) of the Crop object. When cropMode is false the Crop's alpha is 0, so you won't see the fill color unless cropMode is true. This basically controls the interactive mask color.
alpha:Number (default = 0) — the initial alpha value of the Crop object (typically 0 is best).
Method Detail
public function calibrateDepths(event:Event = null, leaveTarget:Boolean = false):void

Adjusts the depth levels of the target or Crop object in the display list so that the Crop is on top of the target.


event:Event (default = null) — an optional Event, making it easier to use calibrateDepths() as an event listener. The Event isn't used at all internally.
leaveTarget:Boolean (default = false) — if true, the target will remain exactly where it is in the display list and the Crop object will be moved above it rather than leaving the Crop where it is and moving the target under it.

public function configureCropMode(maskEnabled:Boolean, alpha:Number, lineColor:uint, autoApplyOnDeselect:Boolean = true):void

Allows some customization of the cropMode, like alpha, lineColor, etc.


maskEnabled:Boolean — if true, the mask will stay enabled when in cropMode.
alpha:Number — sets the alpha that the Crop object should be when in cropMode. Set the fillColor to control the color.
lineColor:uint — sets the line color of the selection box when in cropMode. This temporarily changes the TransformManager's lineColor while in cropMode.
autoApplyOnDeselect:Boolean (default = true) — if true, deselecting the Crop object and its target will automatically set cropMode to false.

public function destroy():void

Destroys the Crop object, removing its internal event listeners, disabling the mask, and releasing it for garbage collection.

public function update(event:Event = null, calibrateBox:Boolean = true):void

Forces an update of the Crop object so that it either applies any recent scale/rotation/movement to the target (if attached is true) or records the offset values (if attached is false).


event:Event (default = null) — an optional Event, making it easier to use update() as an event listener. The Event isn't used at all internally.
calibrateBox:Boolean (default = true) — if true, the Crop's rectangle will be updated to match the native bounding box of the target. This can be helpful if the target's size or bounding box changed since the last update.