Documentation for classes includes syntax, usage information, and code samples for methods, properties, and event handlers and listeners for those APIs that belong to a specific class in ActionScript. The classes are listed alphabetically. If you are not sure to which class a certain method or property belongs, you can look it up in the Index.

com.greensock.transform An example implementation of a cropping tool that works with TransformManager, making it relatively simple to allow users to interactively crop a DisplayObject using a rectangular mask.
com.greensock.transform An example implementation of a cropping tool that works with TransformManager in Flex, making it relatively simple to allow users to interactively crop a DisplayObject using a rectangular mask.
com.greensock.transform FlexTransformManager works with TransformManager and makes it easy to add interactive scaling/rotating/moving of DisplayObjects to your Flex application.
com.greensock.transform.utils Used by TransformManager to perform various Matrix calculations.
 TransformEvent Event related to actions performed by TransformManager Copyright 2007-2012, GreenSock.
com.greensock.transform TransformManager automatically creates a TransformItem instance for each DisplayObject that it manages, using it to apply various transformations and check constraints.
com.greensock.transform TransformManager makes it easy to add interactive scaling/rotating/moving of DisplayObjects to your Flash or Flex application.