Classpublic class DynamicPropsPlugin
InheritanceDynamicPropsPlugin Inheritance TweenPlugin Inheritance Object

[AS3/AS2 only] If you'd like to tween something to a destination value that may change at any time, DynamicPropsPlugin allows you to simply associate a function with a property so that every time the tween is rendered, it calls that function to get the new destination value for the associated property. For example, if you want a MovieClip to tween to wherever the mouse happens to be, you could do:, 3, {dynamicProps:{x:getMouseX, y:getMouseY}}); 
function getMouseX():Number {
        return this.mouseX;
function getMouseY():Number {
    return this.mouseY;

Of course you can get as complex as you want inside your custom function, as long as it returns the destination value, TweenLite/Max will take care of adjusting things on the fly.

You can optionally pass any number of parameters to functions using the "params" special property like so:, 3, {dynamicProps:{x:myFunction, y:myFunction, params:{x:[mc2, "x"], y:[mc2, "y"]}}});
function myFunction(object:MovieClip, propName:String):Number {
        return object[propName];

DynamicPropsPlugin is a Club GreenSock membership benefit. You must have a valid membership to use this class without violating the terms of use. Visit to sign up or get more details.


import com.greensock.TweenLite; 
import com.greensock.plugins.*; 
TweenPlugin.activate([DynamicPropsPlugin]); //activation is permanent in the SWF, so this line only needs to be run once., 3, {dynamicProps:{x:getMouseX, y:getMouseY}});
function getMouseX():Number {
    return this.mouseX;
function getMouseY():Number {
        return this.mouseY;

Copyright 2008-2013, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the membership.

Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
[static] Activates one or more plugins so that TweenLite and TweenMax recognize the associated special properties.