Classpublic class RoughEase
InheritanceRoughEase Inheritance Ease Inheritance Object

Most easing equations give a smooth, gradual transition between the start and end values, but RoughEase provides an easy way to get a rough, jagged effect instead, or you can also get an evenly-spaced back-and-forth movement if you prefer. Configure the RoughEase by passing an object to the constructor or config() method with any of the following properties (all are optional):

For a visual example and more details, check out

Example code

import com.greensock.TweenLite;
import com.greensock.easing.*;
//use the default values
TweenLite.from(mc, 3, {alpha:0, ease:RoughEase.ease});
//or customize the configuration, 3, {y:300, ease:RoughEase.ease.config({strength:3, points:50, template:Strong.easeInOut, taper:"both", randomize:false}) });
//or create a RoughEase that we can pass in to multiple tweens later
var rough:RoughEase = new RoughEase({strength:3, points:50, template:Strong.easeInOut, taper:"both", randomize:false});, 3, {y:300, ease:rough});, 5, {x:500, ease:rough});

Copyright 2010-2013, GreenSock. All rights reserved. This work is subject to the terms in or for Club GreenSock members, the software agreement that was issued with the membership.

Public Properties
 PropertyDefined By
  ease : RoughEase
[static] The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time.
Public Methods
 MethodDefined By
RoughEase(vars:* = null, ... args)
config(vars:Object = null):RoughEase
Permits customization of the ease with various parameters.
[override] Translates the tween's progress ratio into the corresponding ease ratio.
Property Detail
public static var ease:RoughEase

The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time.

Constructor Detail
public function RoughEase(vars:* = null, ... args)


vars:* (default = null) — a generic object with any of the following properties (all are completely optional):
  • template : Ease - an ease that should be used as a template, like a general guide. The RoughEase will plot points that wander from that template. You can use this to influence the general shape of the RoughEase. (Default: Linear.easeNone)
  • strength : Number - controls how far from the template ease the points are allowed to wander (a small number like 0.1 keeps it very close to the template ease whereas a larger number like 5 creates much bigger variations). (Default: 1)
  • points : Number - the number of points to be plotted along the ease, making it jerk more or less frequently. (Default: 20)
  • clamp : Boolean - setting clamp to true will prevent points from exceeding the end value or dropping below the starting value. For example, if you're tweening the x property from 0 to 100, the RoughEase would force all random points to stay between 0 and 100 if clamp is true, but if it is false, x could potentially jump above 100 or below 0 at some point during the tween (it would always end at 100 though in this example) (Default: false).
  • taper : String ("in" | "out" | "both" | "none") - to make the strength of the roughness taper towards the end or beginning or both, use "out", "in", or "both" respectively. (Default: "none")
  • randomize : Boolean - by default, the placement of points will be randomized (creating the roughness) but you can set randomize to false to make the points zig-zag evenly across the ease. Using this in conjunction with a taper value can create a nice effect. (Default: true)
... args
Method Detail
public function config(vars:Object = null):RoughEase

Permits customization of the ease with various parameters.


vars:Object (default = null) — a generic object with any of the following properties (all are completely optional):
  • template : Ease - an ease that should be used as a template, like a general guide. The RoughEase will plot points that wander from that template. You can use this to influence the general shape of the RoughEase. (Default: Linear.easeNone)
  • strength : Number - controls how far from the template ease the points are allowed to wander (a small number like 0.1 keeps it very close to the template ease whereas a larger number like 5 creates much bigger variations). (Default: 1)
  • points : Number - the number of points to be plotted along the ease, making it jerk more or less frequently. (Default: 20)
  • clamp : Boolean - setting clamp to true will prevent points from exceeding the end value or dropping below the starting value. For example, if you're tweening the x property from 0 to 100, the RoughEase would force all random points to stay between 0 and 100 if clamp is true, but if it is false, x could potentially jump above 100 or below 0 at some point during the tween (it would always end at 100 though in this example) (Default: false).
  • taper : String ("in" | "out" | "both" | "none") - to make the strength of the roughness taper towards the end or beginning or both, use "out", "in", or "both" respectively. (Default: "none")
  • randomize : Boolean - by default, the placement of points will be randomized (creating the roughness) but you can set randomize to false to make the points zig-zag evenly across the ease. Using this in conjunction with a taper value can create a nice effect. (Default: true)

RoughEase — new RoughEase instance that is configured according to the parameters provided
override public function getRatio(p:Number):Number

Translates the tween's progress ratio into the corresponding ease ratio. This is the heart of the Ease, where it does all its work.


p:Number — progress ratio (a value between 0 and 1 indicating the progress of the tween/ease)

Number — translated number