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ease(ease:any, easeParams:Array) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
Controls the rate of change.
ease(ease:any, easeParams:Array) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
Controls the rate of change.
ease(time:Number, start:Number, change:Number, duration:Number) — method, class com.greensock.easing.CustomEase
ease — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Linear
The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time.
ease — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.RoughEase
The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time.
ease — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.SlowMo
The default ease instance which can be reused many times in various tweens in order to conserve memory and improve performance slightly compared to creating a new instance each time.
Ease — class, package com.greensock.easing
Base class for all GreenSock easing equations.
Ease(func:Function, extraParams:Array, type:Number, power:Number) — Constructor, class com.greensock.easing.Ease
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Back
Eases in with an overshoot, initially dipping below the starting value before accelerating towards the end.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Bounce
Bounces slightly at first, then to a greater degree over time, accelerating as the ease progresses.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Circ
Eases in with an abrupt change in velocity.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Cubic
Eases in with a power of 2
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Elastic
Eases using a sine wave that starts slowly and then accelerates over time
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Expo
Eases in a strong fashion starting out slowly and then accelerating.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Linear
Linear ease with no acceleration or deceleration
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power0
Eases in with a power of 0 (linear).
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power1
Eases in with a power of 1
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power2
Eases in with a power of 2
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power3
Eases in with a power of 3
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power4
Eases in with a power of 4
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quad
Eases in with a power of 1.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quart
Eases in with a power of 3.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quint
Eases in with a power of 4
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Sine
Eases in with slight acceleration.
easeIn — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Strong
Eases in with a power of 4
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Back
Eases in and out with an overshoot, initially dipping below the starting value before accelerating towards the end, overshooting it and easing out.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Bounce
Bounces in increasing degree towards the center of the ease, then eases out, bouncing to the end (decreasing in degree at the end).
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Circ
Eases in and out with an abrupt change in velocity.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Cubic
eases in and then out with a power of 2
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Elastic
Eases using a sine wave that starts slowly, then accelerates and then decelerates over time.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Expo
Eases in a strong fashion starting out slowly and then accelerating, then decelerating at the end.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Linear
Linear ease with no acceleration or deceleration
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power0
eases in and then out with a power of 0 (linear).
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power1
Eases in and then out with a power of 1
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power2
Eases in and then out with a power of 2
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power3
Eases in and then out with a power of 3
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power4
Eases in and then out with a power of 4
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quad
Eases in and then out with a power of 1.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quart
Eases in and then out with a power of 3.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quint
Eases in and then out with a power of 4
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Sine
Eases in and then out with slight acceleration/deceleration.
easeInOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Strong
Eases in and then out with a power of 4
EaseLookup — class, package com.greensock.easing
EaseLookup enables you to find the easing function associated with a particular name (String), like "strongEaseOut" which can be useful when loading in XML data that comes in as Strings but needs to be translated to native function references.
easeNone — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Linear
Linear ease with no acceleration or deceleration (for backwards compatibility)
easeNone — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power0
Eases out with a power of 0 (linear).
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Back
Eases out with an overshoot.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Bounce
Eases out, bouncing at the end.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Circ
Eases out with an abrupt change in velocity.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Cubic
Eases out with a power of 2
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Elastic
Eases using a sine wave that starts fast and then decelerates over time.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Expo
Eases out in a strong fashion starting out fast and then decelerating.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Linear
Linear ease with no acceleration or deceleration
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power0
Eases out with a power of 0 (linear).
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power1
Eases out with a power of 1
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power2
Eases out with a power of 2
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power3
Eases out with a power of 3
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Power4
Eases out with a power of 4
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quad
Eases out with a power of 1.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quart
Eases out with a power of 3.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Quint
Eases out with a power of 4
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Sine
Eases out with slight deceleration.
easeOut — Static Property, class com.greensock.easing.Strong
Eases out with a power of 4
Elastic — final class, package com.greensock.easing
Eases with an elastic effect either at the beginning (easeIn), the end (easeOut), or both (easeInOut).
empty(disposeChildren:Boolean, unloadAllContent:Boolean) — method, class com.greensock.loading.LoaderMax
Empties the LoaderMax of all its loaders and optionally disposes/unloads them.
enableBitmapMode(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.greensock.BlitMask
Identical to setting bitmapMode = true but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler.
enableBitmapMode(event:flash.events:Event) — method, class com.greensock.FlexBlitMask
Identical to setting bitmapMode = true but this method simplifies adding that functionality to tweens or using it as an event handler.
enableTweenMode() — method, class com.greensock.layout.AutoFitArea
Enables the area's tween mode; normally, any changes to the area's transform properties like x, y, scaleX, scaleY, width, or height will force an immediate update() call but when the area is in tween mode, that automatic update() is suspended.
endArray(values:Array) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenLiteVars
An Array containing numeric end values of the target Array.
endArray(values:Array) — method, class com.greensock.data.TweenMaxVars
An Array containing numeric end values of the target Array.
EndArrayPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins
[AS3/AS2 only] Tweens numbers in an Array.
EndVectorPlugin — class, package com.greensock.plugins
[AS3 only] Tweens numbers in a Vector.<Number>.
error — Event, class com.greensock.loading.core.LoaderCore
Dispatched when the loader experiences some type of error, like a SECURITY_ERROR or IO_ERROR.
ERROR — Constant Static Property, class com.greensock.events.LoaderEvent
Dispatched when the loader (or one of its children) throws any error, like an IO_ERROR or SECURITY_ERROR.
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.CSSLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.DataLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.ImageLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.MP3LoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.SWFLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedBytes(value:uint) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.XMLLoaderVars
Initially, the loader's bytesTotal is set to the estimatedBytes value (or LoaderMax.defaultEstimatedBytes if one isn't defined).
estimatedDuration(value:Number) — method, class com.greensock.loading.data.VideoLoaderVars
Estimated duration of the video in seconds.
eventCallback(type:String, callback:Function, params:Array) — method, class com.greensock.core.Animation
Gets or sets an event callback like "onComplete", "onUpdate", "onStart", "onReverseComplete" or "onRepeat" (onRepeat only applies to TweenMax or TimelineMax instances) along with any parameters that should be passed to that callback.
Expo — final class, package com.greensock.easing
Eases in a strong fashion either at the beginning (easeIn), the end (easeOut), or both (easeInOut).
exportRoot(vars:Object, omitDelayedCalls:Boolean) — Static Method , class com.greensock.TimelineLite
Seamlessly transfers all tweens, timelines, and [optionally] delayed calls from the root timeline into a new TimelineLite so that you can perform advanced tasks on a seemingly global basis without affecting tweens/timelines that you create after the export.
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