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  1. Thanks, thats perfect. It's actually for a video scroll and scrub website. Might be having performance issues as it's trying to target frames of the video or times that essentially don't exist. This should help, thanks.
  2. Hi there, Does anyone know how I would apply roundprops to the following tween?, I can't figure it out. tl.tweenFromTo(tl.time(), tl.getLabelBefore(), {onComplete: function(){allowScroll = true;}}); Thanks
  3. Worked it out. Turns out if I'm now tweening the X and Y I don't need to know where it's and and y was before. function startP2Jiggle (){ // alert("startjiggle"); for(i=1; i <= p2_letters; i++) { var jigTarget = document.getElementById("p2_letter_" + i); moveToRandom(jigTarget); } } function moveToRandom (target) { var randXshift = getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randYshift = getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2); TweenMax.to(target, randTime, { x: randXshift, y: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target]}); } That's a nice little jiggle function if anyone wants it x
  4. Thanks for the answers, I have implemented it and can tell it is looking smoother already, but now I have another problem. All my startX and startY positions are now completely off. function startP2Jiggle (){ for(i=1; i <= p2_letters; i++) { var jigTarget = document.getElementById("p2_letter_" + i); var jigX = jigTarget.offsetLeft; var jigY = jigTarget.offsetTop; moveToRandom(jigTarget, jigX, jigY); } } function moveToRandom (target, startX, startY) { //alert(target + " " + startX + " " + startY); var randXshift = startX + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randYshift = startY + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2); //TweenMax.to(target, randTime, {left: randXshift, top: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]}); TweenMax.to(target, randTime, { x: randXshift, y: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]}); } As you can see above in the function startP2Jiggle I'm sending the offsetLeft and offsetTop to moveToRandom. How do I go about changing these to get the x and y instead? Thanks
  5. Hi, Firstly sorry, I know this has been asked before but I have tried to use force3d and it hasn't fixed the issue. I have some code that makes an image jiggle, it just slowly wobbles on screen. The problem is the browser seems to be rounding off the pixels and creating this jerky motion. Has anyone found a solution to this. Here's my code:- function moveToRandom (target, startX, startY) { //alert(target + " " + startX + " " + startY); var randXshift = startX + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randYshift = startY + getRandomArbitary(-5, 5); var randTime = getRandomArbitary(0.5, 2); TweenMax.to(target, randTime, {left: randXshift, top: randYshift, ease:Quad.easeInOut, force3D:true, onComplete: moveToRandom, onCompleteParams:[target, startX, startY]}); } Thanks a lot Will
  6. Wow .. thanks so much. Nice to know i'm not going crazy. All working fine now.
  7. Does anyone have a basic fla with this working .. as2 flash 8 so I can see what I'm doing wrong? Thanks for your help
  8. Hi there, I am having an absolute nightmare trying to get the dropShadowFilter working. I have no idea why it isn't as every other filter works on the same object. Do I need to add a filter first with code before I can animate it? I have the following import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([DropShadowFilterPlugin]); TweenMax.to(mc, 1, {dropShadowFilter:{color:0xff0000, alpha:1, blurX:12, blurY:12, distance:12}}); I have a movieclip named mc and all the setting are the defaults from the plug-in explorer. dropShadowplugin is definately inside my greensock folder. Using greensock 12. P.s. Everything is AS2. Please help. Will
  9. Right then I have my solution. This is basically a culmination of the above but for anyone who wants to know how to do this with the 'members only' dynamic props plugin here it is. It works really nicely. // Imports import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.*; import com.greensock.plugins.*; TweenPlugin.activate([DynamicPropsPlugin]); // Variables var speed:Number = 2; // Set up a listener var mouseListener:Object = new Object(); // Onmouse move listener mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() { TweenLite.to(mc, speed, {dynamicProps:{_x:getMouseX, _y:getMouseY}}); } // Get X and Y function getMouseX():Number { return _root._xmouse; } function getMouseY():Number { return _root._ymouse; } // Set listener Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); Hope this help someone. Will
  10. Thanks for that. I think maybe it's jerky because I'm on a mac or something and I'm trying to tween two things in this way on top of each other, but even your one is a little on the jerky side on my machine. It may also be that i'm using as2 where yours is as3. I'm determined to find a solution to this problem but thanks for all your help.
  11. Is this not a potential plugin as the dynamic props one is so close to this really? The problem is that the code above creates a very jerky animation. Do you have any other tips such as creating a new tween on an interval or something. I don't need specific code but it just seems to me that this is something everyone needs to do all the time. Any image sliders or ipod style docks need this really to look good. Thanks for your help though. Will
  12. Hi there, I have been looking around this forum for a while now on the subject of continuos tweens but I can't seem to get a definitive answer. I need to create tween that always follows the mouse. I would like if possible to have some easing on this motion also. The dynamic props plug-in is basically perfect for this task except that it has a time limit on it. When my tween reaches the mouse I do not want it to stop the tween but just pause until I move the mouse again I do not however want it to stop and start every time this happens. I guess this could be done with an onMouseMove listener but this is too similar to doing an onEnterFrame function as my mouse will pretty much always be moving. This is something that as far as I'm aware never the right thing to do. Basically a function like this does the job but I believe it is not the best way to do it. onEnterFrame = function(){ TweenLite.to(mc, unlimited, {_x:_xmouse, ease:Quad.easeInOut}); } or onEnterFrame = function(){ mc._x = _xmouse; } Thanks Will P.s. I'm working with AS2
  13. Hello there, I have been trying to get your code to work for over 3 weeks now on and off and I'm really starting to pull my hair out. I tried the code above and it didn't work so I tried to work out what it is I had to do and then implimented it myself but now I get completely unpredictable results. The code I have now is as follows. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.* var tl:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax({paused:true}); var startTime:Number = (getTimer() / 1000); var myRoot = this; var genSpeed:Number = 300; var flySpeed:Number = 0.5; var lag:Number = 0.5; var cP:Number = 0; var mouseListener:Object = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() { genParticle(); genTimer = setInterval(genParticle, genSpeed); } mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() { clearInterval(genTimer); } mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() { distanceToFly = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((emitter._x - end_point._x) * (emitter._x - end_point._x) + (emitter._y - end_point._y) * (emitter._y - end_point._y))); flySpeed = distanceToFly / 150 end_point._x = _xmouse; end_point._y = _ymouse; } Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); function genParticle(){ particle_holder.attachMovie("particle", "particle" + cP, cP+1) particle_holder["particle" + cP]._x = emitter._x; particle_holder["particle" + cP]._y = emitter._y; var insertTime:Number = (getTimer() / 1000) - startTime; tl.insert(new TweenMax(particle_holder["particle" + cP], flySpeed, {_x:end_point._x, _y: end_point._y}), insertTime); tl.play(); cP++; } gameOverTimer = setInterval(gameOver, 10000); function gameOver(){ trace("game over"); Mouse.removeListener(mouseListener); clearInterval(genTimer); clearInterval(gameOverTimer); tl.reverse(); } Example http://www.ourtestsite.org/test/particle_test_v2.html Fla to download http://www.ourtestsite.org/test/particle_test_v2.fla I really appreciate your help as once I know this it will help with every other project I do. I also signed up as a paid member after last time because the response was so quick. Thanks again Will
  14. Hi there, Thats absolutely brilliant thank you. It's true I was assuming that insert would add the tween at whatever time had expired already. I'm glad that tweenLite can do this it is as amazing as I had hoped. I'll have to figure out how this goes in my code properly later but initial tests looked good. Thanks again Will http://www.williamjane.com
  15. Hi there, I am trying to make a little game whereby you can spray blobs all over the screen. When the time runs out I want the whole animation to play in reverse. Each time a blob is fired it adds it to the timeline and then at the end I have a timeline.reverse() command but it is working really bizarrely. import com.greensock.*; import com.greensock.easing.* myRoot = this; genSpeed = 3000; flySpeed = 0.5; cP = 1; var mouseListener:Object = new Object(); mouseListener.onMouseDown = function() { genParticle(); genTimer = setInterval(genParticle, genSpeed); } mouseListener.onMouseUp = function() { //clearInterval(genTimer); } mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() { distanceToFly = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((emitter._x - end_point._x) * (emitter._x - end_point._x) + (emitter._y - end_point._y) * (emitter._y - end_point._y))); flySpeed = distanceToFly / 150 end_point._x = _xmouse; end_point._y = _ymouse; } Mouse.addListener(mouseListener); var myTimeline:TimelineMax = new TimelineMax(); function genParticle(){ particle_holder.attachMovie("particle", "particle" + cP, cP+1) particle_holder["particle" + cP]._x = emitter._x; particle_holder["particle" + cP]._y = emitter._y; myTimeline.insert(new TweenMax(particle_holder["particle" + cP], flySpeed, {_x:end_point._x, _y: end_point._y})); cP++; } gameOverTimer = setInterval(gameOver, 10000); function gameOver(){ trace("game over"); Mouse.removeListener(mouseListener); clearInterval(genTimer); clearInterval(gameOverTimer); myTimeline.reverse(); } Please help. I tried using append but that isn't right either. I think maybe I can't add this many tweens to a timeline this fast. I would like the tweens to reverse with the same timing as they are fired. You can see how it works with this code here:- http://www.ourtestsite.org/test/particle_test.html Thanks Will
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